
To get pricing, discuss your project or to chat with Shawn, please text 404-984-7900 or email: shawn@shawnpenoyerinteriors.com

Atlanta Interior design

Who is your Interior Designer?

Who indeed! Our philosophy is simple and straightforward – We want to give our clients a final product, a solution in fact, that is elegant and simple, bold and defining, sophisticated and unique. We want to create interiors that are not traditional designs that every other designer has created and recreated again and again, but transitional, or Hollywood chic. We want to turn your boring cluttered home into a showpiece that has elements that you have not seen at your friends homes or offices, and we want to give them to you within and according to your budget and time frame. We want your formal dining room to appear on the cover of Design & Décor, and we want your master bedroom suite to appear on the cover of Luxury Las Vegas. Our team works together and we collaborate behind the scenes long before we have arrived at your home, and long after we have left for the day. We take this approach on many levels and we will not rest until the project is complete; this unsettled nature is how Shawn Penoyer has become such an incredible designer and a perfectionist is his designs. Venetian plaster walls are personally and masterfully applied by his own hand and he absolutely refuses to let anyone else, no matter their experience, apply the final finish coat. Shawn hand-crafts his own mirrors, designs and produces his own stencils, and we even finish and upholster our own furniture lines. We have our own workrooms, our own installers and electricians and every project is personally managed, reviewed and signed off by the top designer himself before completion. You can see that the attention to detail is second to none and this is also our commitment to you, as our client.

our interior decorating specialty

Interior Design and interior decorating is our specialty, and we have decorated interiors and exteriors for a varied array of homeowners from the very wealthy, to the average homeowner, who simply desires a comfortable and flowing space that they can be proud of. widTH=”258″Interior Design starts with a plan, right from the very basic details, and then grows until we formulate a complete interior design plan that makes sense. We offer several different options to help our clients visualize their interiors; from basic sketches and email images, all the way to three dimensional CAD renderings where you can walk through your designed space, just as if you were walking in your completed designed home. Our interior design plan for you is a modern version that will ensure that you are clear in what our vision is for you, and you will see exactly what everything will look like, from the fabrics, and wall finishes, colors, right down to your artwork. This is 2019, and this is the only way to design a home. With an incredible team of top interior designers, architects and decorators nationwide including Atlanta Georgia, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington DC, New York. Shawn Penoyer Interiors offers everything from home design consultation to complete redesign services to address every aspect of your architectural project, residential or commercial. From space planning and architectural CAD Rendering service to custom options in flooring, lighting, furniture, accessories, case goods and wall coverings to drapery and fabric designs created in our own workrooms, and all the resources available “to the trade”, Shawn Penoyer Interiors is your complete interior design resource. Our Goal is your Goal… The staff at Shawn Penoyer Interiors is genuinely interested in creating an award winning space for each and every client we serve. Whether we are designing an entire home or commercial space, or a single room, we know our name is going on the final product; and when your friends and business associates ask you that inevitable question when they first visit your space, we want them to be as impressed as you are, and we know they will remember our name.

Alan Nierychlo - Shawn Penoyer Interiors

Alan Nierychlo


Polish American, MBA Graduate.

photo of Shawn Penoyer

Shawn Penoyer

Designer, Installer

Owner of Shawn Penoyer Interiors

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Creative Staff

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Bandit ``Poolie Poo`` Nierychlo

Support Leader

Director of Fun Times. Loves to greet customers and show everyone his toys.

Customer Says